
Data: 01 Feb. 2024
On 31st January, the ANUC Board gathered in a meeting to validate the transfer of the presidency in 2024 to the Romanian Filmmakers' Union (UCIN), led by Laurențiu Damian, film director and professor at the National University of Theatre and Film in Bucharest.
Data: 17 Ian. 2023
On 17th January, the ANUC Board gathered in a meeting to validate the transfer of the presidency in 2023 to the Romanian Visual Artists' Union (UAP), led by Petru Lucaci, painter and professor dr. at the National University of Arts in Bucharest.
Data: 27 Ian. 2022
On 25th January, the ANUC Board gathered in a meeting to validate the transfer of the presidency in 2022 to the Architects' Union of Romania (UAR), led by Ileana Tureanu, architect and former state secretary of the Ministry of Public Works.
Data: 15 Ian. 2021
On 13th January, the ANUC Board gathered in a meeting to validate the transfer of the presidency in 2021 to the Theatre Union of Romania (UNITER), led by Ion Caramitru, general director of the National Theatre in Bucharest.
Data: 28 Ian. 2020
On 9th January, the ANUC Board gathered in meeting to validate the transfer of the presidency in 2020 to the Writers` Union of Romania (USR), led by Nicolae Manolescu, member of the Romanian Academy.
Data: 28 Ian. 2019
On 21 January, the ANUC Board gathered in a meeting to validate the transfer of the presidency in 2019 to the Union of Musical Composers and Critics of Romania (UCMR).
Data: 29 Ian. 2018
On 25 January, the ANUC Board gathered in a meeting to validate the transfer of the presidency in 2018 to the Filmmakers' Union of Romania (UCIN). Mr Laurențiu Damian, UCIN President, will act as leading Chairman of the organisation during this mandate.
Presidency of ANUC is held by the Fine Artists` Union of Romania in 2017
Data: 16 Feb. 2017
On 26 January, the ANUC Board gathered in a meeting to validate the transfer of the presidency in 2017 to the Fine Artists' Union of Romania (UAP).
Data: 01 Sept. 2016
On 30 June 2016, the ANUC Board gathered in a meeting to validate the course of the presidency in 2016 by the Architects' Union of Romania, represented by the Chaiman Mrs Ileana Tureanu, UAR President, elected in this position by the UAR National Convention in 7 May 2016.
Presidency of ANUC is held by the Architects Union of Romania in 2016
Data: 29 Martie 2016
On 25 January, the ANUC Board gathered in a meeting to validate the transfer of the presidency in 2016 to the Architects' Union of Romania.
The ANUC member unions awarded at Cotroceni Palace
Data: 05 Noi. 2015
The leading representatives of the creators' unions members of ANUC have been invited to the Cotroceni Palace (Presidential Administration) to receive the Order for Cultural Merit in rank of Officer, awarded by decree of the President of Romania
Presidency of ANUC is held by the  Theatre Union of Romania (UNITER) in 2015
Data: 01 Feb. 2015
On 27 January, the ANUC Board gathered in a meeting to validate the transfer of the presidency in 2014 to the Theatre Union of Romania.
Data: 02 Apr. 2014
Romanian State Office for Inventions and Marks (OSIM) issued under No. 06538 of 5.02.2014 the Registration Decision of the individual combined mark of the National Alliance of the Creators' Unions - name ANUC ALIANTA NATIONALA A UNIUNILOR DE CREATORI and the organisation's logo.
Presidency of ANUC is held by the Writers Union of Romania in 2014
Data: 30 Ian. 2014
On 17 January, the ANUC Board gathered in a meeting to validate the transfer of the presidency in 2014 to the Writers' Union of Romania. Mr. Nicolae Manolescu will act as leading Chairman of the organisation during this mandate.
Data: 17 Feb. 2013
On 24 January, the ANUC Board gathered in a meeting to validate the transfer of the presidency in 2013 to the Union of Composers and Musicologists of Romania.
Data: 14 Feb. 2013
On 11 February 2013, the Leading council of the National Alliance of the Creators' Unions ANUC has been invited by the minister of Culture to a working meeting exploring some of the important issues on the current agenda of the Alliance
Presedintia ANUC este preluata in acest an de catre Uniunea Cineastilor din Romania
Data: 14 Feb. 2012
On 14 Febryary, the board of ANUC met to validate the mandate of the yearly presidency for the Filmmakers' Union. The Chairman of ANUC is Mr. Constantin Pivniceru, the president of the Filmmakers' Union (UCIN).
Presedintia ANUC este preluata in acest an de UAP
Data: 25 Ian. 2011
On 25 January, the board of ANUC met to validate the mandate of the yearly presidency for the Fine Artists' Union. The Chairman of ANUC is Mr. Petru Lucaci, the president of UAP, and deputy is Ms. Cristina Russu, Vicepresident of UAP.
Întîlnirea consiliului de conducere al ANUC cu premierul Emil Boc şi reprezentanţi ai guvernului
Data: 25 Aug. 2010
The ANUC Board asked the head of the Government, Mr. Emil Boc, for a working reunion on various aspects regardinf the budget for culture, fiscal taxes for artists, funding for arts and culture.
Intilnirea consiliului de conducere al ANUC cu Ministrul Muncii
Data: 25 Ian. 2010
În data de 25 ianuarie 2010, Senatorul PD-L Radu F. Alexandru a organizat, la sediul Senatului României, o întrevedere de consultare între Ministrul Muncii, Familiei şi Protecţiei Sociale, domnul Mihai Şeitan, şi membrii Consiliului de conducere al Alianţei Naţionale a Uniunilor de Creatori (ANUC), format din preşedinţii uniunilor Arhitecţilor, Artiştilor Plastici, Cineaştilor, Compozitorilor şi Muzicologilor, Scriitorilor şi UNITER.
Data: 25 Ian. 2010
UNESCO si Fondul International pentru Promovarea Culturii (IFPC) gestioneaza Bursele Aschberg pentru artisti in rezidenta si lanseaza anual depunerea de cereri. Sint oferite burse peste 25 de tari din toata lumea, pentru rezidente in domeniile: Arte vizuale, Muzica, Dans, Scris creativ, Artele spectacolului si Arte media.

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